
Al Kawakib was established based on SK Dekan FIS No. 7148/ UN35.6/KP/2020 on April 1, 2020 regarding The Appointment of the Al-Kawakib Journal Writing Team Volume 1 Number 1 Major of Islamic Religious Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University. The Editorial Team are as follows: Ahmad Rivauzi as Editor In Chief, Al Ikhlas as Managing Editor, Fuady Anwar, Ahmad Kosasih, Wirdati, Rini Rahman, Rengga Satria, Riza Wardefi Engkizar as Editor. The Peer Reviewers are as follows: Samsul Nizar (STAIN Bengkalis), Zulmuqim (UIN IB), Muhammad Kosim (UIN IB), Cucu Surahman (UPI).

On September 30, 2020 Al Kawakib got ISSN Online 2746-4997. In December 2020 Al Kawakib published the first 7 articles. Based on the SK Dekan FIS No. 1145A/UN35.6/KP/2021 dated July 1, 2021, Navy Kawakib refreshed the Editorial Team. The Editorial Team are as follows: Ahmad Rivauzi (UNP) as Editor In Chief, Rengga Satria (UNP) as Managing Editor, and as Section Editors are Krismadinata (UNP), Wirdati (UNP), Nurjannah (UNP), Muhammad Kosim (UIN IB Padang) , Cucu Surahman (UPI Bandung), Andy Hadiyanto (UNJ). English Advisory is Sutria Rahayu, Arabic Advisory is Al Ikhlas and Rahmi Wiza. The reviewers are as follows: Abror (UNP), Ahmad Kosasih (UNP), Engkizar (UNP), Aam Abdusalam (UPI Bandung), Martin Kustati (UIN IB Padang), Firdaus Wajdi (UNJ), Yusuf Hanafi (UM Malang), Suswati Hendriani (IAIN Batusangkar), and Pramono (University of Andalas).
Al Kawakib is committed to be a reputable Scientific Journal in the field of Islamic studies.