Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Kawakib adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Negeri Padang. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel-artikel ilmiah yang berbasiskan kepada riset termutakhir tentang kajian ke-Islam-an ataupun Riset Kepustakaan dalam bidang Pendikan Islam, Hukum Islam, Ushuluddin, Dakwah dan Kemasyarakatan Islam serta kajian-kaijian yang memliki kaitan dengan nilai-nilai ke-Islam-an. Jurnal ini diharapkan mampu memberikan sumbangsih pemikiran untuk membumikan nilai-nilai Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin sehingga terwujudnya kehidupan masyarakat Islam yang madani di Indonesia. </p> And Values Of Islamic Education: (Reflection of Ma'balla Local Wisdom of Kaluppini Community, Enrekang Regency)2025-01-07T08:26:11+00:00Abd. Alinda<p><em>The ma'balla tradition in Kaluppini Village, Enrekang Regency, is a unique communal eating ritual that embodies Islamic educational values. This study, employing a descriptive qualitative method through interviews, observations, and documentation with local leaders and the community, explores the faith, moral, psychological, and social aspects. Ma'balla highlights faith through collective prayers, instills morality by ensuring equality in food distribution, and fosters social education through the spirit of cooperation involving the entire community. A notable feature is the active involvement of men in food preparation, reflecting a rare practice of gender equality in such traditions. Beyond preserving cultural heritage, ma'balla serves as a medium for teaching Islamic values, strengthening social bonds, and maintaining the cultural identity of the Kaluppini community. This tradition demonstrates how local wisdom can integrate spiritual and communal values, offering a meaningful model for Islamic education rooted in cultural practices.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## In Islamic Politics (Historical Review of the Election of the Head of State in Islam)2024-12-30T16:44:11+00:00Hifdhotul<p><em>Muslim scholars are still debating democracy in Islam. Some of them reject democracy because the essence of democracy is the sovereignty of the people. At the same time, siyasah syar'iyyah (Islamic politics) is the sovereignty of Allah with its various provisions. Others argue that some of the substances of democracy are the same as the essence of Islamic politics, which have existed before democracy itself began to be hot in the discussions of political experts today. One form of democracy is the election of leaders. In the history of Islam, the appointment of leaders can be made in several ways, namely through nash (holy books), deliberation of ahlul halli wal 'aqd, wilayah al 'ahd, and coercion. The method of selecting leaders was implemented in the election and appointment of Khulafa ar Rasyidun as Caliph.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## in Islamic Revisionist Discourse on Qur'anic Studies (A Critical Analysis of John Wansbrough's Thought)2024-12-30T16:47:51+00:00Muhammad Diaz Supandimuhammaddiazsupandi2715@gmail.comIhwan<p><em>The following paper discusses the trend in modern revisionist discourse about Qur'</em><em>ā</em><em>nic studies with the critical engagement of John Wansbrough's idea. Known for his historical and literary criticism, Wansbrough claimed that the Qur'an was a product of Jewish and Christian traditions, and its canonization is of much later origin than that which is ascribed to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. While influential, this thesis has been criticized as an attack on the authenticity of the Qur'</em><em>ā</em><em>n. This paper looks at the methodology and arguments of Wansbrough in light of scholars such as Fazlur Rahman, who question the assumptions of revisionism. Through qualitative library-based research, this paper highlights some of the methodological flaws in Wansbrough's approach and proposes alternatives that are in tune with Qur'</em><em>ā</em><em>nic studies. The findings raise the need to respond to such criticisms if misinterpretations so rife in current Qur</em><em>ā</em><em>nic discourses are to be averted. This is a research contribution to the ongoing scholarly conversation on revisionist methodologies and textual interpretation in Qur'</em><em>ā</em><em>nic studies.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Knowledge: A Comparative Analysis of Amin Abdullah’s Integration-Interconnection Paradigm and Syed Naquib Al-Attas’s Islamization of Science2024-12-30T16:50:00+00:00Dhita Ayomi Ayomi<p>This study explores Prof. Dr. Amin Abdullah's Integration-Interconnection paradigm, which seeks to reconcile religious and secular sciences in Islamic educational contexts, particularly within Indonesian universities. While Abdullah's model emphasizes the harmonious integration of diverse scientific domains through a metaphorical "Spider Web of Knowledge," this paper critiques the paradigm using Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas's Islamization of Science perspective. Al-Attas argues for a selective integration that eliminates secular influences incompatible with Islamic principles, a view that contrasts with Abdullah's more inclusive approach. This research critically analyzes these two frameworks to assess their efficacy in addressing Islamic academia's contemporary challenges. Findings suggest that critical filtering of secular knowledge may enhance the Islamic identity in scientific scholarship.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## in Islamic Religious Education Assessment In The Society 5.0 Era at MAN 3 Padang Panjang2024-12-30T16:53:01+00:00M. Rahmielvi.rahmi17@gmail.comAsrizallis Asrizallisasrizalliszen@gmail.comRini<p><em>This study examines the innovation of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) assessment in the Society 5.0 era, focusing on the integration of technology and Islamic values. The research aims to identify forms of PAI assessment innovation, analyze implementation challenges, and formulate optimization strategies. Using a qualitative approach with a case study design, the research was conducted in selected schools/madrasahs, involving PAI teachers, students, and Islamic education experts as research subjects. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis, then analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The results show that PAI assessment innovation has evolved from the use of simple digital platforms to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and virtual reality technology. The integration of Islamic values in technology-based assessments is realized through the application of digital integrity principles, development of assessments promoting noble character, and incorporation of the tazkiyatun nafs concept in digital self-assessment. The main challenges in implementation include infrastructure limitations, teacher and student readiness, and concerns about over-reliance on technology. Strategies developed to overcome these challenges include digital competency enhancement programs for PAI teachers, collaboration with technology experts, and a phased approach to innovation implementation. Stakeholder perceptions of PAI assessment innovation tend to vary, with students showing enthusiasm, while teachers and parents have more cautious views</em>.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Land Rights in Positive Law (Agrarian Law) and Islamic Law in Indonesia2024-12-30T16:55:42+00:00Lutfi El Falahylelfalahy@gmail.comGiyarsi<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study examines the intersection of customary land rights (hak ulayat) and Islamic inheritance law within Indonesia's positive legal framework. Customary land rights, deeply embedded in the social fabric of indigenous communities, represent collective ownership and stewardship that have been integral to Indonesia's agrarian system. These rights are formally recognized in the 1945 Constitution and the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960, reflecting the nation's cultural heritage and communal values. The integration of adat law and Islamic law highlights the adaptability of these legal systems, particularly through concepts such as <em>musha'</em> (collective ownership) and <em>ihya’ al-mawat</em> (revitalizing unused land), which align with the principles of <em>maqasid shariah</em> to ensure justice, public welfare, and sustainability. Despite their alignment, the implementation of these principles faces challenges, including regulatory complexities and conflicts between national development goals and indigenous claims. This paper employs a qualitative, descriptive-analytical approach to explore how communal land rights and inheritance practices are recognized and adapted within Islamic and national legal frameworks. It underscores the potential for harmonizing customary law with modern legal structures to promote equitable resource management, protect indigenous rights, and achieve sustainable development. The findings emphasize the critical role of <em>maqasid shariah</em> in reconciling traditional practices with contemporary governance, offering insights into fostering legal and social integration in Indonesia.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Islam Indonesia The Contribution of Indonesian Islamic Students (PII) to the Development of Education and Da'wah in Tapan from 1990 to 20062024-12-30T16:58:48+00:00Yandi Asrida Saputrayandisaputrachaniago@gmail.comJohan Septian<p>This study examines the role of Pelajar Islam Indonesia (PII) in developing Islamic education and proselytization in Tapan, West Sumatra, during the period 1990-2006. The main objective is to understand PII's contribution in strengthening Islamic values among students through religious activities such as Quran study groups, leadership training, and cadre formation. Using historical methods and a qualitative approach, the study collected data from interviews, archival documents, and secondary sources. The analysis stages included heuristics, source criticism, synthesis, and historiographical writing to build a comprehensive narrative. The main findings indicate that PII played an essential role in filling gaps in religious education in Tapan, particularly for young people who needed a platform for Islamic character building. Despite various challenges, including the single principle of Pancasila policy imposed during the New Order era, PII managed to sustain its presence through adaptive strategies, such as using alternative names for its activities and employing flexible approaches that remained consistent with Islamic values. PII's role in Tapan has had a significant social impact, fostering young cadres with strong religious understanding who can contribute as community leaders. The study concludes that PII in Tapan has successfully fulfilled its mission as an Islamic educational organization, consistently reinforcing Islamic values amid political constraints. This research also highlights opportunities for further studies, especially to explore PII’s role in the network of Islamic proselytization in West Sumatra and its continuity post-2006, to understand the dynamics of Islamic organizations amidst socio-political changes in Indonesia.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Patience Values in Character Education: A Perspective from the Interpretation of Surah Al-’Asr2024-12-30T17:00:59+00:00Vikri Aflaha<p>Character education plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's personality and morality, especially amidst the increasingly complex challenges of the modern era. One of the key values in character education is patience. Thus, integrating the value of patience into character education is essential, particularly in addressing modern challenges. Therefore, this study aims to explore the implementation of patience values in character education from the perspective of Surah Al-’Asr. This research is qualitative, using a literature study method with a <em>tahlili</em> interpretation approach to analyze the significance of patience in character education. It highlights the importance of time, good deeds, and mutual counsel in truth and patience. The findings indicate that instilling the value of patience can equip individuals to be disciplined in managing time, perform good deeds, restrain desires, and accept Allah's decrees with contentment. Ultimately, the implementation of patience values contributes to the development of strong and moral character in individuals. This study aims to provide insights and make a significant contribution to the field of Islamic education while emphasizing the importance of integrating moral and ethical values into character education in accordance with the National Education Law</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## VALUES ANALYSIS OF MORNING PLEDGE TEXT AND ITS RELEVANCE IN THE DIGITAL ERA2024-12-30T17:03:24+00:00Nurul Laely<p>This study aims to analyze the relevance of character values in the morning pledge text to the challenges faced by students in the digital era as well as explain how Al-Azhar 15 Semarang Islamic High School students integrate these values with their use in the digital era. This research method uses content analysis qualitative (qualitative analysis method). The data sources used are pledge texts, observation notes, and interviews with students of Islamic High School Al-Azhar 15 Semarang. The steps taken in this research include data preparation and collection, coding, data organization, analysis and interpretation, and report preparation. The results showed that the character values in the morning pledge text include the characters of faith, obedience, humility, and gratitude by being devoted to parents. These character values are in line with Islamic teachings and have high relevance in facing the challenges faced by students in the digital era.</p>2024-12-30T16:38:13+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##